AXXIV becomes part of Joule Performance
New: Professional system line from Joule Performance
We are uniting our systems business under one brand. Specifically - we are integrating the AXXIV business systems into the Joule Performance brand as a professional line.
In this way, we combine the innovative power of Joule with the solid values of AXXIV.
With this step, the Joule Performance system range becomes much broader and additionally covers the requirements of companies and business users.
The range will be expanded for business users with the following categories:
Joule's entire system line-up is offered in build-to-order for free configuration. Popular configurations are also available as fixed configurations for quick delivery.

Our experts – your support
Do you have questions about the integration of axxiv into Joule Performance or the new Professional Line, or need help choosing the right professional system for your needs? Nutze das Know-How unserer Experten! Make the most of our experts’ know-how!
You can contact them using the live chat function or by calling +41 (0)41 785 12 13